CADI Kickback is a success!

In order to enjoy the summer weather, CADI hosted a “kickback” at the Charles River Esplanade. Members of the department enjoyed food, some crafts, and good company.  It was a great way to take a break from the lab and enjoy what Boston has to offer.

CADI holds its inaugural meeting!

 Photo: Danielle Randall

On September 7, 2018, the inaugural meeting of Chemistry Alliance for Diversity and Inclusion was held in the Moore Room (6-321). Jesús M. Dones, a graduate student in the Raines lab and founder of CADI, led the meeting attended by approximately 35 postdocs, graduate students, and staff members of the department. In the meeting, Jesús outlined his goals for the organization and called for the creation of a board in order to begin planning events towards the goals.